Bauchnabelpiercing: Process, Care, Dangers & Types

How Do Belly Buttons Get Pierce? Time for Pain and Healing. bauchnabelpiercing Cost. What is Aftercare? What are the consequences of piercing? The best way to replace a bauchnabelpiercing. What Kind of Jewelry Is Use to Pierce a Belly Button? What Kind of Jewelry is Used to Pierce a Belly Button? This article will walk you through the piercing procedure and demonstrate how to avoid potential issues as you recuperate. You’ll soon be flaunting a piercing that is fashionable and healthy if you heed this advice!
Bauchnabelpiercings have been widespread for a very long time, and for good reason. Because the piercing is in a fleshy area and is easy to maintain because you don’t need to look in a mirror to view it, they are a fantastic alternative that has endured the test of time.
You must always keep in mind that not everyone is able to get their belly button pierced. Due of their anatomical dependence, some as piercers could reject to do the surgery or suggest another bauchnabelpiercing (such a floating navel piercing) or location.
How Do Belly Buttons Get Pierce?
A bauchnabelpiercing commonly referred to as a navel piercing involves inserting jewellery through the skin just above the belly button. This enables the jewellery to sort of emphasize itself by hanging just above the belly button. Other places for belly button piercings include the sides of the navel, upper rim, and lower rim.
Procedure for bauchnabelpiercing
A qualified piercer will insert a sterile, hollow needle through the loose skin of your navel if you visit a salon to receive your piercing. Here is what to anticipate:
- The area to be pierced will be marked by your piercer.
- Expect a small quantity of blood as well as a painful pinch.
- You should budget money for both the piercing and the jewellery you choose.
- The use of a piercing gun can harm your tissue and increase the risk of infection, so you should avoid doing this.
Can You Pierce Your Belly Button?
Some persons are ineligible to have their belly button pierced.
Usually, the “lip” of skin above the belly button is used for bauchnabelpiercing. Although the majority of people can technically receive these types of piercings, if you want the wound to heal correctly it’s best to have a good flap of skin for the piercer to insert the jewellery through is just above the belly button. To prevent irritation throughout the healing phase, the piercing also needs space below and beneath the flap. Sometimes piercers will target the lower lip of the belly button if there isn’t a strong flap of skin on the top of the belly button (though this is a rare option).
You most likely won’t be able to get your belly button pierced if you have an outie belly button, which is unfortunate. Because they entail piercing the inside portion of the navel, some individuals think that outie bauchnabelpiercing are the only “genuine” bauchnabelpiercing.
On the other hand, infections from bauchnabelpiercing in the outside might spread to your internal organs and become very hazardous. Most trustworthy piercers won’t take this chance. Here’s how an outie looks in case you’re confused of what kind of belly button you have: Before beginning the procedure, the piercer will always thoroughly inspect your belly button to see whether your anatomical structure will allow the piercing to heal securely.
Aftercare for bauchnabelpiercing
Your belly button may take up to a year to fully heal, as opposed to pierced ears, which take 4-6 weeks. You’ll take home instructions on how to take care of your new piercing and avoid infection.
You’ll require:
- Before you touch your piercing, wash your hands. Also, until the area has healed, don’t allow anyone else to touch it.
- To maintain it clean and prevent infection, gently scrub it with saline solution. Dab the region with fresh gauze or a piece of paper towel moistened with saline solution at least once every day. Alternatively, you can mix 1/8 teaspoon of salt with 1 cup of warm, distilled, or bottled water to make a ready-made brand. If your piercer advises using soap, use a gentle, scent-free variety. Make sure to thoroughly rinse to remove all soap.
- Do not overclean. Cleaning too much or too frequently will delay recovery.
- Dry the area gently using a fresh, disposable paper product.
- Any crust must be ignored. Your new piercing may exude a clear or yellowish fluid (not pus), which is typical. This could develop into a crust that itches or feels tight. Do not pick it or it will cause bleeding. Your piercing will naturally lose the crust as it heals.
- If a doctor hasn’t instructed you to, avoid applying anything to your belly button. This includes creams, oils, and fragrances. Even hydrogen peroxide and antibacterial lotion can impede healing or trap bacteria in a fresh wound.
- Dress neatly, loosely, and comfortably. Your piercing will scrape against restrictive clothing and rough material, which could prolong the healing process. You could want to hold an eye patch over your belly button to protect the area with a stretchy, elastic bandage.
- Avoid using hot tubs, pools, and lakes. While a waterproof bandage could be useful, it’s preferable to stay away from any water that might not be clean and could result in an infection.
- Wearing charms or dangly jewellery in your piercing is not advised. Charms or jewellery that hangs or dangles risk tearing your skin when pulled.
- Keep an eye out for infection indications. These include pain when you touch the area, redness, swelling, and yellow or green discharge. You might also be feverish. If you see any of these symptoms, you should contact your doctor straight once.
Consequences of Piercing
- Rash: The piercing site should look normal throughout the healing process; however, it is possible that the jewellery or the skin near the piercing site could irritate the skin and cause a rash to form. Get medical attention right away if you ever detect a rash that wasn’t present before.
- Discharge: For the first few days, it’s totally typical for your piercing to bleed some off-white fluid. This is your body’s normal response to a deliberate wound and is intend to ward off infection. However, if the discharge persists or if the colour shifts to a murkier yellowish shade, there may be a problem with your new piercing.
- Infection: Getting a piercing has a risk of infection1, which can be brought on by inappropriate aftercare (though an inexperienced piercer with unsafe tools could also be the culprit). Infection symptoms to look out for include deep redness, swelling that gets bigger, hot skin to the touch, and pain.
How to Replace a Belly Button, Pierce?
You can replace out a bauchnabelpiercing on your own, but you must be certain that it is entirely healed before doing so. In addition, although the normal recovery time is six to eight months, it could take up to a year. Because of this, the majority of piercers advise waiting the entire year before changing it out. However, if you are unable to wait, your best option is to return to your piercer and get it changed out.
The top of the jewellery typically unscrews, making it simple to remove the jewellery and replace it in the same way. To avoid aggravating the piercing or spreading bacteria, the only thing to remember is to constantly wash your hands before contacting it in any way.
What Dangers Come with bauchnabelpiercing?
Even if you think your belly button is the perfect place for a trendy new accessory, you should be aware that getting this kind of body piercing carries significant health concerns. These dangers consist of:
- Intolerance of the jewellery
- a lot of blood
- Rejection or migration of jewellery Rejection is when your body starts to push the jewellery out and you start to notice more and more of the barbell (migration is when the piercing moves internally to a little different area)
- bacterial illnesses
- Leaving the jewellery in place after your body has chosen to reject it may result in permanent scars.
By choosing a reputable piercer and taking proper care of your piercing during the healing phase, you can reduce these dangers (discussed in the next couple of sections).
Does Getting Your Belly Button Pierce Hurt Much?
The majority of people report that bauchnabelpiercing don’t cause too much pain. In terms of discomfort, they are comparable to ear lobe piercings. If you’ve ever had your ears or nose pierced, you know that piercings in such areas typically pain more than bauchnabelpiercing. In the initial days, you might feel a little uncomfortable and ache, but it shouldn’t seriously affect your daily activities.
One drawback of bauchnabelpiercing is that they do take a long time to heal compared to other piercings. The ear piercing healed in a short time but belly piercing takes almost 6 months to one year to heal (which is why many advise getting your piercing in the winter so you can flaunt the finished item when it has fully healed during beach season).
What Kind of Jewelry Is Use to Pierce a Belly Button?
Bent barbell
A curved barbell, which slightly curls outward to pop against your belly button and usually fits better with the natural form of your body, is the standard and most common jewellery option for bauchnabelpiercing. This jewellery features a little bead on each end, one of which is adjustable or detachable so you can switch out the jewellery at will.
A spiraling twists
Twisted spiral jewellery that curves in both directions is interesting to wear and stands out. This piercing’s design is to relieve some of the pressure on the navel region.
Snare bead
Size is everything with this jewellery. For this form, which hugs the navel and lays outward so that the side of the ring is visible, 14- and 16-gauge are probably supply.
People who wear jewellery in the reverse/top-down method frequently display the larger portion above the navel and the smaller portion within it. However, the beautiful thing about this style is that you can wear the jewellery however you please, hence the name. Heavier design components will be prominent at the top.
The best jewellery to wear to display your bauchnabelpiercing is dangle jewellery. This style, which typically features a curving barbell, offers a wide range of alternatives and embellishments, such as stones, gems, or charms that hang from the end of the ring.
For people who live a busy lifestyle or don’t feel the need to constantly flaunt their navel piercing, this smaller jewellery type is ideal Non-dangle jewellery typically appears as a drop, hinge, or curved the barbell and hugs the body closer to the belly button.
The lesson
Making the decision to get a piercing is significant and necessitates extensive aftercare. If you make sure to maintain the place sterile and clean, you may do it safely. Taking care of your overall health might speed up your recovery and lower your chance of issues. For more info must visit