Why is VR not suitable for under 12? Don’t Miss

Why is VR not suitable for under 12? Don’t Miss

VR is not suitable for children because according many medical research VR produces many effects on children’s health such as eye issues, brain, and overall body. VR may directly affect the whole health of those under 12. Therefore, VR maker companies prevent people from using VR for a long time for their children.

Furthermore, for those children who are under 12, VR companies do not allow them to use VR for a long time, but many parents said that they offer their children to use VR for just a few minutes.

So, in this article, I have listed below further details as which why is vr not suitable for under 12 such as its harmful effect on children who health.so, you people don’t leave this page and read it with your full attention, let’s get started.

Why is VR not suitable for children under 12 years old?

It’s because manufacturers don’t want any potential litigation and are yet unsure of how VR may affect children’s vision. In addition, we are aware that VR contributes to headaches, nausea, and eye strain. These side effects affect youngsters more severely than they do adults.

For instance, the PlayStation VR (PSVR) user manual1 states that children under the age of 12 should not use the VR headset. Children under the age of 13 should not use the Oculus Quest, according to the user handbook. So I have listed below some main reasons that is why VR is not good for children under 12. You people come in the following and read those reasons carefully.

The Illness of Virtual Reality:

VR-induced sickness may include:

  • Seizures
  • Convulsions
  • Dizziness
  • Eye muscle cramps
  • Eye strain
  • Altered vision
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Disorientation
  • Motion sickness
  • Headache
  • Nausea

Why is VR not suitable for under 12?

The effects of VR vary greatly from person to person, but VR can cause more strain on the eyes and headaches in kids. Many parents say their kids can use VR and not experience any side effects. This may be the case, but we don’t know how VR will affect a kid’s vision in the long run.

Eye Strain:

We use our phones all the time. But have you ever had your eyes hurt when you’re using your phone in the dark, like before bed? It is not unusual for adults to experience discomfort in their eyes after utilizing virtual reality (VR) devices for a brief period of time. Additionally, it has been observed that some adults are able to use VR for extended periods of time without any discomfort.

However, the eyes of children are distinct in that they are more sensitive.

The VR’s display is two inches away from the user’s eyes. Children will therefore immediately experience eye strain. They might not instantly complain that their eyes hurt because the VR experience would astound them. However frequent exposure might result in issues.

Physical and psychological harm

Kids don’t always take safety precautions the same way adults do. Little kids can get their hands tangled up in VR cables, and they might try to go for a walk or run while wearing a VR headset, which could cause an accident. Some VR systems, like PSVR, fully obscure your view of your surroundings and do not recognize impediments.

Adults frequently collide with objects when using VR headsets. Adults have been known to trip and suffer fear when using VR. VR has the potential to terrify a child as well if it is not properly monitored. It could result in lifelong trauma for some kids.

This product is not suitable for kids

Both Sony and Oculus claim that minors should not use their VR equipment. It is because their VR headset is not sized properly for kids. Interpupillary distance (IPD) in children differs from that in adults. The average IPD of an adult is 63mm, whereas that of a kid is 40mm, according to the University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory3.

Why is VR not suitable for under 12?

The use of uncoordinated and inadequate virtual reality headsets can lead to eye strain. Furthermore, a virtual reality device designed for adults can cause nausea in young children due to an inter-personnel dilation (IPD) mismatch.

As a result, manufacturers caution against the use of VR headsets by children under 13 years old or younger. Additionally, they advise that children over the age of 13 should only use this headset when an adult is present to supervise.

What do parents have to say about VR?

It has been observed in numerous instances4 where parents permit their children under the age of 12 to utilize a virtual reality device. These parents have reported that their children are able to use the device for a period of five to ten minutes without any issues.

What does the expert say about VR?

Ophthalmologists have concluded that, despite the lack of long-term research, there is no evidence to suggest that virtual reality headsets could have a detrimental effect on the development, health, or functioning of the eye.

What does the expert say about VR?

In 2009 and 2017, Stanford University did some study 6. Children frequently mistake virtual reality (VR) experiences for real-world experiences, claim those researchers. Stanford researchers are concerned about the negative consequences of VR on a child’s development of mental health, even though they do not disagree with what ophthalmologists say.

Frequently asked questions(FAQS)

Why are children under 12 not supposed to play VR?

VR is not suitable for children because according many medical research VR produces many effects on children’s health such as eye issues, brain, and overall body.

Why can’t kids under 13 use VR?

The risk of harm and adverse effects is higher in younger children than in older users.

Is VR bad for kids under 12?

we are aware that VR contributes to headaches, nausea, and eye strain. These side effects affect youngsters more severely than they do adults. Therefore, we can say that VR is bad for under 12 kids.

Why is VR not safe for kids?

VR may directly affect the whole health of those under 12. Therefore, VR maker companies prevent people from using VR for a long time for their children.

Final Words:

It’s not clear how VR affects kids, so sometimes we just let them use it for 5 to 10 minutes and keep an eye on what they’re doing. But if you’re worried, it’s probably a good idea not to let them use a VR device – it’s better to err on the side of caution.

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Engr. Hamza

I am Engr. Hamza, with years of experience in digital marketing, SEO and Content writing. I am freelance writer with TOP RATED PLUS tag on Upwork. I am writing on techstarlink.com with my expertise of SEO writing. Thanks!

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