Hearde Family | Origin, History, Motto, Migration & Amber Hearde

Are you interested to know about the Hearde Family? What is the origin of this word? What are the standard terms that match this word? This article discusses this family’s history, heritage, and location. Moreover, we will also discuss the different roles and the family roots of this race. So, ensure to take advantage of this exciting and informative blog.
What is the Origin of Hearde?
The word “Hearde” derives from an old tribe in Great Britain. The roots of this word take us back to the 13th century. A great and brave legacy of Anglo- Saxons is also associated with this Hearde tribe. The word has gone through many variations from the 13th century to till date. The first term and name that was quite commonly used were Herd. This word game because most of the people from this tribe were Herdsmen. The other tribes near this Herd tribe used to call them Herds. The tribes felt proud of their profession and started using this word as their surname. There is evidence of the word Heird which means Herd, from ancient and authentic English.
The Hearde word and tribe have a vast and rich history. However, their name underwent many changes over time. But the race is the same and has unique features. This name started in the 13th century. Hearde’s surname was first used in a small landlocked state of England, Shropshire. This small state shares its border with another State of England, Wales. The first name that is known is Thomas Hord. There was a court system named Assize Rolls.
Court system of Britishers
This court system remained operational between 1215 and 1971. This court system appointed Thomas Hord as the first Judge of Assize Rolls in 1221. But in 1971, The British government made some amendments, and they changed the anime of this court system to the Crown court. The government wanted to make the system more up-to-date and modern, considering the rapid change in the world and judiciary system modification.
Later on, another member of the Hearde family was enlisted for the judge position in the same court system, Assize Rolls. This time Reginald Le Herd took charge as a judge in 1243. His appointment was in the Assize Rolls of Somerset. After that, in 1296, another court system, the Hundred Rolls, appointed The judge with the surname of Hearde, but his spells were slightly different from today. After that, Richard Le Horde was the member of this family appointed Justice. His appointment was in the Assize Rolls of Sussex.
Hundred Rolls
After these members, a few others became the Justices and Judges of the Hundred Rolls courts. Their surname spellings were different from each other, but the family room was similar. These judges and justices include David Le Hyrde, Richard Le Herde, and Robert Le Hirde. Among them, Richard Le Herde got an appointment as a judge in Cambridgeshire. David Le Hyrde was appointed justice in Norfolk, and Robert Le Hirde got a position in the Suffolk region.
Moving on to the 14th century, Yorkshire Poll Tax Rolls appointed Alanus Hyrd as Judge in its court. The court also enlisted two members of this family, Nicholas Hyrd and Johannes Hird, with the Alanus Hyrd. The family resided at Woodhouse Grove in Rawdon. Rawdon is a small town located in the West of Yorkshire. The people of Scotland pronounced Herd as Hird. That is why when this family stayed in Scotland, their name changed to Hird. These records are stored in the National museum. The court in Bernard also appointed W. Dictus Hyrd, attorney. These records have details about it. John Hird was a popular tenant of the Douglas in 1376. He was famous because of his special job in the land records department of Great Britain.
Popular Personality of the Hearde Family:
John Herd was a popular Historian of England. He was born in the year 1522 in Surrey, England. After that, He became a scholar at the King’s College on August 16, 1529. John Herd also studied at the Eton institute. Later, he was admitted to B.A. in 1534 and did a postgraduate degree in M.A. from the Eton institute.
England’s Urbanization:
In the 17th century, England was rapidly changing because of industrialization. The British industrialists shifted the People living in remote areas of England to new places. Educated and skilled people from all over the world migrated from their homeland to England. They were in search of better living, lifestyle, and grooming opportunities. The opportunity came with industrialization. The Industrialists used the locals to work as laborers for their industries. These wealthy and arrogant people treated them like slaves and took more work from them. This stress and burden of the work caused many deaths of the workers and laborers. Many of them became sick. That is when people started to migrate from England to other places like America and Europe.
Hearde’s Family Migration:
This modernization and advancement saw many people coming and leaving England. Hearde’s family also migrated from England and shifted to America. Most of the people settled in the Northern part of America. They built their colonies and started to live happily there. The pronunciation in America was different from England, and the word Herd, Hyrd Heard, and Hird slowly became Hearde. This family played a significant role in the development of modern America. Some big names like William Heard, in 1671, migrated from England and settled in Plymouth of, current America. John Herd, a famous Historian, also migrated from his native land and settled in Maine, America, in 1620. In the year 1630, Luke Herd, another notable personality of Hearde’s family, emigrated and settled in the current Massachusetts state of America

Hearde Family Motto:
During colonization, Hearde’s family used to have a slogan for their unity and celebrations. This slogan later turned into their motto. This motto was not so famous among this family and other people in the early centuries. But later in the 17th century, this motto started to become famous. People came to know about this motto of the Hearde family. The motto of this family is “Recte et Sapienter,” which means Rightly and Wisely.
The Heard family also gave their services to the British Army. The people who served in the military used their motto to motivate and inspire them. Members of this family felt proud of their motto. They started using them on their coat of arms. The slogan also was quite relevant to their coat of arms. Passionate Heard’s family members also began to show their motto on the coat of arms. This quickly became viral, and all the family members started using it frequently on their coats of arms.
What is Assize Rolls?
As discussed earlier, Assize Rolls were the courts of Brithishers. Criminal cases, murder cases, and highly violent cases were solved in these cases. This court system was particular for such cases. Civil cases were not part of this court system. The judges appointed in these courts were highly educated and experienced. In very few cases, civil cases were reported to this court. Such civilian cases are also lined with criminal cases to some extent. The National Museum of England has kept the data and information on previous cases of this court system. Justice term was used for the judge of the Assize Rolls court. The National Museum’s Archives still have the record and acknowledgment of most of the Assize Roll’s court system cases.
What is the Current situation of this family?
Currently, the family is residing in different parts of the United States of America. A few members of this family are also present in modern England. The term Hearde has vanished due to the contemporary English Vocabulary. The time Heard is used as a surname by this family. You definitely know Amber Heard, ex-wife of famous Hollywood actor Johnny Depp. Recently, their case concluded in court. She lost the defamation case against her husband and has to pay a $ 1 million penalty. Her surname is precisely the same as that this family is using nowadays. She is also a member of the Hearde family.

Final Thoughts:
The term Hearde has become entirely extinct nowadays. Because its pronunciation has changed, and now it is called Heard. The history of this word starts from the 13th century. Different terms came on the way to Heard. People usually pronounced or spelled it Like “Hyrde,” “Hird,” “Herd,” and “Hurd.” Currently, the surname is “Heard”. This family served in the Judicial system, Education sector, and the British Military for many centuries. They also used a motto that we discussed earlier in the article. This family produced several popular and famous names over the years. The Hearde family emigrated from different areas of England to the modern-day states of the United States of America.
Guys! It was totally researched base content, Hope so it clears your all queries about this family. For more info must visit techstarlink.com cheers!